
Pool Game:Tips And Tricks

Pool Games Tips & Tricks

Here you can find some useful tips and tricks that will help you become a better pool player. The tips and tricks listed here can help you succeed in executing long shots, hitting combination shots, avoiding miscues and deal with other challenges in 8-ball, 9-ball or in any other pool game of your choice.

Pool Tip No. 1

How to Succeed in Long Shots

Put your forward hand on the table in the most stable way as you can.

Mark the target point of the cue ball by putting the cue tip on the designated pocket in a way that it would go over the exact center of the ball you intend to pocket. Your target point, where the cue tip would stroke the cue ball, is the place where the outer edge of the ball and the cue stick meets.

Have your eyes fully focused on the cue ball.

When you shoot, move from the shoulder and try to keep your arm closer to the body and your elbow at a 90 degrees angle from your body.

Use the minimum force required to execute the shot.

Pool Tip No. 2

How to Hit Combination Shot

Combination shot is a shot in which you hit a numbered ball in order to pocket another object ball. Here are some tips and tricks to help you hit combination shots in the best way:

Hit combination shot only if you have no other options at the table.

Imagine the table as if the numbered ball is the cue stick, which is about to hit the cue ball.

Mark an imaginary spot of the object ball in your mind.

Pay attention to the cue ball instead of thinking about the pocket.

Strike as usual but bare in mind the picture of your object ball as a target ball.

Pool Tip No. 3

How to Avoid Miscues

Miscue is one of the biggest fears of pool players of all skill levels. A miscue can occur as a result of an intensive english, which causes the leathery part of the cue stick to hit the edge of the cue ball. In order to avoid miscue, the starting point of the shoot should be less than 21.5 mm from the center of the ball.

Pool Tip No. 4

How to Bounce a Ball off another Ball

Try to imagine your shot backwards: from the pocketing of the table to the decision of an object ball that will strike another ball.

Note that causing an object ball to hit another ball is different from causing the cue ball to strike an object ball.

Think about the predicted circumstances of the stroked ball after the stroke; it is often bounces back to the path of the object ball.

Verify that the cue ball won't scratch as a result of the strike.

Plan beforehand the way in which the cue ball will strike the object ball.

Perform a light stroke; if you miss, at least the ball would remain near the pocket.

Hope the above pool tips and tricks proves worth.

Enjoy the game......    

Good Luck!

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