The first ever video game, ‘Tennis for two’, was created in 1958 by William Higinbotham. Gaming has come a long way since then…let’s take a look at how this era of gaming began and has progressed through the years.
The first gaming console for home use was ‘Odyssey’ launched in 1972. Since then there have been many consoles manufactured by many companies, which you could just plug into your television set, sit back, and enjoy! The most popular consoles during the 90s were those made by Atari, Nintendo and Sega. A variety of games such as Mario, Contra, etc became popular.
After the classical TV video games became obsolete, there was an intense competition among the major manufacturers to release newer and more advanced gaming consoles. There’s a lot more to gaming consoles these days that just the games…you can play DVD’s, listen to music and also surf the internet. Nintendo and Sony, the traditional rivals, battled it out with each other to gain control of the market by capturing the imaginations of the worldwide gaming community. Even though Microsoft was a late entry, it has given them stiff competition! Let us explore the latest consoles developed by these electronics giants!
Latest in line of Nintendo’s home video game consoles is the Wii, successor to GameCube. A unique feature of this product is a multi-purpose wireless controller. The WiiConnect24 can stay connected to the net even in the standby mode. As per the latest statistics, Wii has emerged as the worldwide sales leader. Mario Kart Wii, Pokemon Battle Revolution… these are just a few of the numerous games available on this platform. Never thought your favourite games would evolve into something so hi-tech, did ya??
After Nintendo and Sony fell apart, Sony launched their new gaming console, the Sony PlayStation, in 1991. Latest in the line is the PS3 which, again, is much more than just about games. Apart from experiencing the latest games such as Metal Gear Solid 4 and Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit, you can enjoy media on blue-ray discs, and of course, connect to the internet.
When Bill Gates announced the development of the Xbox in 2000, no one really thought Microsoft could come up with something to match Nintendo’s and Sony’s latest developments. But you can never write them off, can you?? Xbox has come a long way since its first launch in 2001, and the latest Xbox 360 has pretty much what you would want a top of the line gaming console to, and more! The latest games include GTA 4 and the latest edition of Call of Duty… sounds inviting??
With a number of handheld gaming consoles such as the Nintendo DS and the PlayStation Portable also coming up in the recent past, the world of gaming looks set to keep advancing and changing…forever..!!
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