You see the initial position . Each side has 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knig
After you threat your opponent's king , if your opponent can't find any appropriate square to escape his king or can't capture the attacking piece or place another piece between hi
When you move your piece properly to a square occupied by an opponent's piece , you capture this piece . Captured piece is now out of the chessboard.
The most important chess piece is the king because if your king is captured , you lose the game.
The king can move one square in any direction that is not attacked by an opponent’s piece. If it is attacked by an opponent’s piece , it is in check.
The Queen can move any number of squares horizontally, vertically, or diagonally . It can't move over the pieces.
The ROOK :
The Rook can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically . It can't move over the pieces.
The Bishop can move any number of squares diagonally . It can't jump over the pieces.
The K
The pawn always moves ahead. It moves one square but every pawn has right to move 2 squares ahead if it is first move .The pawn captures diagonally , but only 1 square ahead.
Pawn promotion :
If a pawn reaches the rank furthest at the opponent side , it is promoted to Queen ,Rook, Knight or Bishop . It cannot become a King or a pawn .
En passant
The pawn has a special move : en passant. For a detailed explanation click for en passant page.
The player has no legal move to do while his king is not in check. This is stalemate and the game is drawn.
Other conditions for the drawn:- Both of the player can not checkmate the opponent's king- Players agree on the drawn during the game.- Any identical position is about to appear or has appeared on the chessboard at least three times.- If each player has made the last 50 consecutive moves without the movement of any pawn and without the capture of
A player who draws his game scores 1/2 point. A player who wins scores 1
, a player who loses has 0 point.
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